Binax-Now Rapid Testing

Update: 1/25/21

Binax Now Rapid Testing has been discontinued for use until further notice because of the high prevalence of COVID in the State. Please seek PCR testing if you have any high risk symptoms.

CIRS Rapid Testing Triage v2 112020

As you may have heard, the Cranberry Isles Rescue Service has taken delivery of BinaxNow COVID-19 Rapid Tests distributed via the Island Institute and Maine EMS.

The State of Maine distributed 400,000 tests. 2/3 of these tests went to Walgreen’s pharmacies for drive-up testing. The remaining tests have gone to other organizations around the state, including school districts and Fire/ EMS agencies.
The Cranberry Isles Rescue Service currently has 76 tests. We have been working on completing our training and developing triage protocols for screening.
Per the emergency use authorization of this test. You MUST be symptomatic in order to receive the test. This means that you must exhibit one high-risk symptom along with other low-risk symptoms.
High-risk symptoms include:
1. New, uncontrolled cough
2. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (not exercise-induced asthma)
3. New loss of taste or smell
4. Fever (100.4 or higher), chills, rigors
5. Sore throat
Low-risk symptoms include:
1. Body aches, fatigue
2. Runny nose/congestion
3. Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea
4. Allergy related symptoms
Chief Damon will be available to triage patients Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 3 pm. Please call anytime if you are exhibiting signs/ symptoms of COVID-19. Chief Damon will gather some information and discuss your symptoms with you to determine if you qualify for testing. You can reach Chief Damon at (207) 479-8118. If you reach a voicemail, please leave a brief message and your contact number. Chief Damon will call you back as soon as possible.
Keep in mind that testing can only happen IF you exhibit high-risk symptoms. Testing must also take place within 7 days of the onset of your symptoms.
Testing priority will be given to fire and EMS responders along with the school community.
If you have a school-age child who is exhibiting any high-risk symptoms of COVID-19, contact principle Hayley Fenton, and nurse Cathleen Goebel for a referral to the Cranberry Isles Rescue Service for testing.
If you have ANY questions at all about the Rapid Tests, please contact Cranberry Isles Rescue Service Chief, Katelyn Damon, at (207) 479-8118 or by emailing
We encourage you to visit the Abbott site for detailed information about the Binax Rapid Testing process.
Wear your mask, wash your hands, and stay safe!